Monday, October 31, 2005

No Crime?

Not one that you can prove, anyway. Libby, the angel video clips News flash, lying to the grand jury means you were trying to cover up a crime that you committed. Otherwise, you wouldn't need to lie.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Now the exciting conclusion...

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


the CIA leak can be connected to the VP! I know this is old news by now but thought it was worth mentioning before we all hear what Fitzgerald will do. This story is better than "who shot J.R." and I loved "who shot J.R." It's as suspenseful as any season finale of Knots Landing or Sopranos which are a couple of my favorite dramas. It's almost better because "the creators of this show" are letting little hints leak out little by little making the mystery ever more compelling. Is Halloween, October 31, the bewitching hour?-the time we find out the sell binding conclusion? Only the shadow knows. Stay tuned...

Monday, October 24, 2005

Most katrina victims...

Thursday, October 20, 2005

"record debt washing over US Treasury"

Biggest Debt Ever! Wow, makes my debt load seems like nutin' honey. And I ain't talkin' cereal. I'll make you all a deal. I'll pay my debt when the gov'ment pays theirs. :)

Hate Speech

Bill O'reilly on Mexicans This story is kind of difficult to follow but is a good examle of the kind of hate speech I hear on Talk Radio. I'm glad to see media matters is finally taking notice of this type of rhetoric. MM whines too much about the mean things Talk Radio says about politicians. Who cares if they talk mean about politicians-they have it coming. I laugh about that. I get mad about the racial slams more.

Delay's real mugshot!

Da*n Lawyers!

Salon article about creationism from the point of view of the laywers argument to the court. Very interesting. Remember- you have to sign up for a free say pass to read this article.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A shout out...

to CHOCD, my new, way-cool assistantship that might just save this school from becoming a disturbing memory in my mind. I can already see changes in my perception. For example, now, when I tell my family that I am going to SCUMSL, or SLUMSL, or one of my favorites BUMSL, but then, again, let's not forget an oldie but a goodie-DUMSL. Well, I can feel that I say it with much more love in my heart. I can see in the future I might change so much that I might actually say, "thanks CHUMSL.":)

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Bill O'reilly...

on planned parenthood. I listen to Bill quite often. I find he says much worse than this especially if it involves racial issues. No one ever seems to get recordings of those types of statements. Nevertheless, this comment is pretty good anyway! Enjoy!

More about Ohio riots

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Rare finds

Riots in Ohio


I have been watching the coverage on Fox news all afternoon. They seem to be trying hard to paint Blacks as badly as they can. They keep showing footage of what they identify as looting by predominantly African American crowds. No surprise but still hard to bear. ):

Friday, October 14, 2005

Get the latest...

Fossils and ruins news. 'Cause you need this kind of news as fast as possible! :)


Support our troops?

Scott Mclellan

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Anthropological Finds in an Indonesian cave

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


COOL! Poesybeat is getting more notice! Great job, Poesybeat guys!

Monday, October 03, 2005

No Evidence